Magic words can make all the difference. Is your application essay going to open doors—or close them?
Today’s college applicants face more pressure than even those of just ten years ago: with the number of applications rising faster than the number of available spots, acceptance rates have fallen precipitously.
How, then, can you set yourself apart from the thousands of other applicants with similarly spectacular grades and test scores, similarly superlative-stuffed recommendations, similarly serious-sounding extracurriculars?
The answer is your essay. In an increasingly impersonal process, your essay may well be your best, last, and only chance to distinguish yourself from the crowd. In short, your essay can make or break your entire application. And that’s a lot of pressure. Where do you even start?
North Star Editing can help you catch and hold the admissions committee’s attention with an essay worthy of their closed-door deliberations, earning you the congratulatory email and the thick envelope you’ve been hoping for. Writing an application essay with North Star comes with three key advantages:
Most applicants need not just editing, but guidance. I can help you say all the right things—and none of the wrong ones—in a fresh, original way. If you're feeling lost or frustrated, you don't need to go it alone. Look to North Star Editing for stellar guidance.
At North Star, I'll help you find the words you didn't know you had in you. I'll not only help you identify the best ideas you've already had, but I'll also help you brainstorm new ones, and then I'll help you express those ideas in your own voice. By working with you instead of for you, I will help you to produce a polished statement that is truly personal.
Every North Star-edited essay comes with a comprehensive Grammatical Guarantee: should you find even a single grammatical mistake in your completed essay, then I'll give you your money back. (To date, I'm at zero refunds and counting.)

The North Star Advantage
Application essays sometimes have only a few seconds to catch the attention of an overworked admissions officer whose eyes glaze over with every quote, adage, and cliché. Don’t let your essay get lost in the shuffle. With the three advantages outlined above, the magic words of a North Star-edited essay will open doors for you at your school of choice.
If you’re ready to get started, then select the right level of service for you:
Most Affordable Have a draft that's falling short of what you set out to write? Let's close the gap between intention and execution to make your application as strong as it can possibly be. $499 |
Most Popular Feeling lost or frustrated? Don't even know where to start? Let's work together through every step of the writing process to get you into the school of your dreams. $999 |
Most Support Don't want to leave anything to chance? Let's make sure your essays and the rest of your written materials tell a strong and consistent story tailored to each college on your list. $4999 |